Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power.  COLOSSIANS 2:10 

People act depraved because they are deprived.  When the first couple disobeyed God, God's Spirit was withdrawn. Their sinful hearts were darkened.  As like begat like, men devolved into wickedness so that even the imaginations of their hearts were continually evil. (Genesis 6:5).  Without God, without a vision of virtue, without moral strength, and without hope, humanity was destined for self-destruction.

Yet from the foundation of the world God was at work to redeem His creation. He created us and He would re-create us.  Christ Jesus, the head of all principality and power, would be restored to His rightful place, the Throne of our hearts.

Self-made men try to fill that "God-shaped space" in their hearts with man-made philosophies, the boundless pursuit of pleasure, the acquisition of material possessions, and even mind altering chemicals, but only Jesus can supply and satisfy our heart's deep need.

When we are complete in Him, every spiritual need is completely met.  Charles Wesley sang:
Hide me O my Savior,
Hide, till the storm of life is past...
Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on Thee..
Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
More than all in Thee I find...
Plenteous grace with Thee is found,
Grace to cover all my sin...
Thou of life the Fountain art,
Freely let me take of Thee...
Spring Thou up within my heart,
Rise to all eternity
Our "Completer" is Christ.  In Him we have all we need. 
Peter Kreeft tells the story of a poor family who worked and saved their money for years so that they could buy tickets to sail from Europe to America.  Aboard the ship they carefully rationed the bread and cheese they had brought to eat on their journey.
After only a few days, the son complained to his father, "I am so tired of cheese sandwiches.  I have got to have something else to eat or I will die."  The Father reached into his pocket and pulled out his last nickel.  He told his son to go to the ship's galley and buy himself an ice cream cone.
After quite some time the boy returned with a great smile on his face.  "Where were you?" his father demanded.  The boy could hardly contain his excitement, "I was in the galley eating three ice-cream cones and a steak dinner!"
His puzzled father asked, "All that for a nickel?"  "Oh no!" the boy replied, "Our meals came with our tickets."
What a joy to know Him who is our completer!  He saves.  He supplies. And He satisfies.
Who is He?  SIMPLY JESUS! 


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