Sunday, June 23, 2013



Have you ever looked around and wondered, “What happened to this Nation?”  Or have you ever asked, “What’s wrong with people today?”  Maybe you’ve even said it out loud, “How long will God put up with this?”
We have been impressed by the Holy Spirit to preach and teach from 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.  It is here that we begin to see God’s explanation for the circumstances of our times.  The inspired Apostle Paul warned us that “There will come a falling away,” in the days right before our Lord’s Second Coming.
He warns us that those who do not love the truth will fall for “strong delusions,” will “believe lies,” and will chose the “pleasure in unrighteousness.”  All of these will be finally lost.
It sure explains our day. It is true of individuals.  It is true in families.  It is true in governments.  It is true in churches.  Millions and millions, here and around the world, are falling away from the truth.  They despise God’s will.  They refuse God’s authority.  They lift themselves up “as gods,”--determining for themselves what is right and what is wrong.  Their future is certain, and it is bleak.

But what a thrill to know that GOD HAS CHOSEN US, all those who have chosen HIM, to TO SALVATION through SANCTIFICATION of the SPIRIT, and BELIEF OF THE TRUTH!  
I love the thought, and I am so grateful for the reality of GOD’S great work of Redemption!  HE CHOOSES US!  HE SAVES US!  HE SANCTIFIES US! HE TEACHES US TRUTH! And then HE FILLS US WITH HIS GLORY!  The songwriter is right, “Let HIM have HIS way with Thee!”

At this writing , 7:30AM Sunday, our FreshStart offering and pledges total $27,602.00.  We are now  $2,408.00 away from Victory!  By bringing this $30,000 to the closing on our new church loan, we will reduce our monthly payments by $1,000!  That’s a savings of $12,000 a year.  That’s the tithe on $120,000 of income.
God is doing a marvelous work in our midst!  Circumstances have forced us to raise this great offering in the month that historically has been our least attended.  But the LORD and HIS Mighty Army are rising up to meet the challenge.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  May the Lord continue to bless and keep you

We love everyone of you and trust that this will be a great day for you and your family.  REMEMBER THAT THIS IS THE LORD’S DAY!  It is not ours, it is HIS!  We hope to see you at both services today.  May God richly bless you!

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