In an insightful article exposing the hidden agenda behind the same-sex marriage initiative, Dr. James Dobson is warning that not only has traditional marriage been targeted for ruin, but now sexual identity and gender distinction itself is under a blistering attack.
Indeed they are. Major retailers have removed signage that would point customers to clothing and toys designed for “Boys” or “Girls.” Bloomberg Business carried an article this summer entitled, “The End of Boys and Girls: These companies are going to change how your kids dress.”
Todd Starnes of Fox News is reporting that in the Fairfax, Virginia public schools, a new gender identity curriculum has been adopted for middle and high school students. The students will be taught that there is no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls. They will be introduced to transgenderism and to the transsexual revolution.
Similar curriculums in Great Britain have taken their toll. Today half of the young people say they are not 100% heterosexual.
The unisex look—effeminate looking guys, masculine looking gals—is bearing the malignant fruit we knew that it would. There’s a reason God insisted that men should not wear womanish looking clothing, and that women should dress in modest effeminate clothing.
Girls that dress in clothing identified with boys will not only move and act like boys, they will begin to think like boys. Boys that dress in clothing that is identified with girls will not only move and act like girls, they will begin to think like girls. Parents should prayerfully consider how they are dressing their children. Fitting in with Divine Design is far more important than fitting in with popular culture.
This is no time for rationalization, cultural relativism, or even an appeal to personal comfort. This is the time for God’s people to accent and celebrate their God given gender.
But it was Todd Starne’s report from Fairfax, Virginia that is capturing my attention today. Telling students that they are not 100% male or 100% female not only defies biology (every cell in our bodies identifies us as male or female) but also blatantly contradicts the Word of God. “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27.
The enemy wants us to think that right and wrong are not discrete, absolute choices. He wants us to think that morality is actually on continuum, a sliding scale. But we’ve seen this before from the father of lies.
Jesus warned us, “Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.” He told us that evil comes to those who tamper with definitions. How many times have we heard the voice of the tempter saying, “Maybe that wouldn’t be so wrong in this circumstance?”
The deceiver says things like, “Go ahead and live with your partner, enjoy each other’s body. You’re practically married anyway.” What folly. You’re not married until you’re married. And study after study confirms why God’s Word urges sexual abstinence outside of marriage. Those who do not wait have divorce rates incredibly higher than those who follow God’s plan.
The Liar in Chief says, “You can disobey God sometimes and still be a disciple of Christ.” He fuels his deception by pointing to the moral failures of professing Christians and rationalizing, “no one is perfect.”
But Jesus did not mince words. “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings.” (John 14:23,24). John says it plainly, “If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15)
So Christians let’s be who we are! 100% Christ’s.
And Ladies, be who you are! 100% a Daughter of the King!
And Gentlemen, be who you are! 100% a Son of God!
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