We trust that your Resurrection Weekend was as filled with blessing as ours. What a thrill it was to welcome 216 souls to our services, to pray with seekers at our altars, to have so many visitors, and to have 59 riding our Sunday School Bus! We are excited about the possibilities for Team FCC in the weeks to come.
It has been our growing conviction that to restore our homes, strengthen our churches, and reform our culture, we must have men who will "take up the cross and follow Jesus!" Our Men's Fellowship will meet this Thursday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. Join us for an interesting conversation and then Steak n Shake. We thank the men who led this year's LIVING LAST SUPPER PRESENTATION along with Phil Alexander at the Steinway Piano and the FCC Ensemble.
On our first Sunday in St. Louis, the 3rd Sunday of September in 1994 a little 11 year old girl named Christy Matlock was the very first child to board our Sunday School Bus. Yesterday she did the honors of creaming
PR with a pie. There were 69 on the bus, including 9 parents & adults! Vickie Jones and the team of FCC teachers: Tammy Abbott (Nursery), Edie Batye (Primary), Katherine Bissey (Intermediate) led the children with Heather Young at the piano. (FYI: Tressa, our precious daughter, is the girl on the right with the white sweater and floral dress). Jesus loves the little children, and we do too!
This afternoon I visited a man in the hospital who said he was a Buddhist. When I asked him what he liked about Buddhism he said there were two things that attracted him. The First was that his salvation didn't depend on anyone but himself. And the second was that Nirvana, being absorbed into the consciousness of God and losing personal identity was very appealing. As our conversation progressed I asked him what he thought of Jesus. He rambled off the usual "Jesus was a very great teacher" concept, and then I asked him if he thought that Jesus rose again from the dead. After a bit he confessed that he did not believe in the resurrection.
I followed up, "The fact of the resurrection authenticates the life, the teaching, and the example of Jesus." And just as I was about to address that issue with him he was interrupted by a visitor. Alas! I shall return again. And pray with me that this man will soon have an encounter with the Risen Savior.
You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart!
Thank you to all who attended, to all who supported, and to all who helped us have a wonderful Resurrection Weekend. We love and appreciate you all. Looking forward to seeing you this coming weekend!
Pastor Rick JonesFAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH - CRUSADERS CHURCH of ST. LOUIS2969 N. Lindbergh Blvd, St Louis, MO 63074Telephone (314) 607-1424; E-Mail: PastorRick@FCCToday.orghttp://www.pastorrickjones@blogspot.com/
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