Have you noticed that those who are opposed to Christ and to virtue pursue their agenda with fearless and boundless resolve, while those who are committed to Christ and to virtue too often end up in cowardly compromise?
Our enemies are wrong, but we are weak. We are intimidated by their credentials, their wealth, and their influence in society. We fail to speak up for fear of sounding ignorant or old-fashioned. Our ambition to be successful and well thought of lures us to abandon principles and practices we once held with conviction. We compromise our principles, then justify our accommodation as "keeping up with the times," or "being relevant."
Why are we so weak?
A week ago I challenged our church to be a Soul-Winning church. (You may see our adaptation of J. B. Chapman's message "All Out for Souls!" at http://pastorrickjones.blogspot.com).
This week we urged the church to be a Spiritual Church. And here I believe is the crux of matter: Spirituality is essential to power. Until the Church experiences a revival of deep spirituality we will be powerless against the onslaught of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Without the power of God’s Holy Spirit we cannot understand, or stand for, or live out the truth.
When I searched the internet for “Spiritual Church” I was chagrinned to discover that the majority of links were to groups that worshipped ancestors, demons, and spirits that are not of God. It made me wonder how many people today even understand what a Spiritual church really is. Here is what we mean:
A Spiritual Church is a Church that is filled with the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Holiness, is led by the Holy Spirit, and is obedient to the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord!
A Spiritual Church is a Church that worships in the Spirit, prays in the Spirit, is edified or “built up” by the Spirit, is unified in the Spirit, and loves one another in the Spirit. Amen!
A Spiritual Church is a Church that is purified by the Spirit, and is empowered by the Spirit to live out and proclaim the will of God. Hallelujah!
That’s the Church I want to be a part of. That’s the Church that God wants us to be. And that’s the Church that we will be, if we are willing to be! Spirituality is essential to power.
This kind of spirituality is well within our reach, IF only we will reach. Spirituality is proportional to sacrifice.
…If we will sacrifice ourselves to do the will of God, and only the will of God we will be spiritual.
The heart of the spiritual person is a million miles away from the legalist who obeys the letter but rejects the spirit of God’s law, and the liberal who disobeys the letter and dishonors the spirit of God's law. The spiritual man loves God and obeys the commandments of God outwardly and inwardly!
…If we will sacrifice our time to fervently and faithfully seek the face of God alone in prayer, we will be spiritual. How long has it been since you talked with the Lord? Have you made it a priority in your daily routine?
…If we will sacrificially give ourselves to loving God and our neighbors, we will be spiritual. Spiritual men go the extra mile. Spiritual men love the unlovable. Spiritual men never give up.
…If we will renounce the devil and all his works, along with the vain pomp and glory of this world, and the sinful desires of the flesh, we will be spiritual. Spiritual men do not try to see how worldly and disobedient they can be and still maintain their profession of faith. They despise the world, crucify the flesh, and hate the devil. “Whoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” James 4:4.
It’s no wonder that we are so weak.
Oh that God would clear out of our hearts and lives any obstacle to the free flow of His Holy Spirit. And may God make us a Spiritual people who are channels of blessing to our judgment bound world.
Jesus, fill now with Thy Spirit
Hearts that full surrender know;
That the streams of living water
From our inner self may flow.
Channels only, blessèd Master,
But with all Thy wondrous power
Flowing through us, Thou canst use us
Every day and every hour.
By Mary E. Maxwell
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